Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Everyone keeps on asking me what the 'MAIN' point to this piece is, and I have to say I am lost, because I am not sure..It is a complex micture of things that I am trying to mesh them all together to create one big project. The piece is fundamnetally a sonic experience, using the human voice to create a dialogue with space. This is done as an installation piece where space and sound come together to create an immersive experience. Within the space, the human voice comes out of nowhere and creates a dailogue with the person standing inside it. It is meant to feel as though you are entering the human body, or an 'internal space'....
This is one side of the piece, the other has to do with the resonance of space and in specific to hsitoric sites. I have been collecting recordings from all over Soctland and in particular looking at spaces that reververate, I have been looking at spiritual and sacred places, tombs and churches. Spaces that hold a lot of resonance within them and already hold a great sense of presence and
With these recordings I hope to create a soundscape to project into the space for the final installtion. This will allow my voice to project the spaces back into the dgeree show, carrying the same presence, echo and resonance.
The final part of the piece is the strcuture I want to project into. For me it is extremely important that there is physical presence of soemthing material, and something that defines an internal experience. I also really want to use soil, this is a very organic material and relates to the cycle of life and death, being a material that symbolizes fertility and growth as well as burial matter. Soil is what I see relates back to the tombs, but also this internal dialogue with the earth, with space and nature.
During this process I have also been thinking of immaterial architecture and how we can create spaces through different mediums, like sense and touch, and sound. But I really do want to create something physical, like a chamber, a structure that the public can enter. This means that within the space, the person inside it can truly be immersed by the experience....
And finally I also love the idea of the peice being 1-1, so the artist is singing to the public directly, as if singing to them, but in a different land. So these, are all my MAIN points, and perhaps what I have to begin doing is focusing on one rather than all of them, although i have connected them so well in my head that now I find it hard to differentiate which one is which, they have all become part of each other.
The main thing for me is that I really want the public to participate in the experience of the peice, I want them to be able to become a part of it...

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