Saturday, February 5, 2011

Looking back on old projects...

The Dance of Life~

'The Dance of Life' was my first performance to camera piece. I made this video at my time on the Degree Foundation in Film & TV course at Stevenson College in 2007. Looking back at this project I definitely feel it was a very open piece and I very much explored myself within it. The dance was meat to reflect the journey of life, transitioning from birth to death; the eternal presence of humanity.
In this project I looked at a lot of female artists and at the way woman express themselves through their art forms. I was especially inspired by Frida Kahlo & Tracey Emin, two artists who both use their art as a reflection of their inner selves...


'Dreamcatcher' was another piece I made on the Stevenson course and it explored the connections between the world of the conscious and subconscious. The video used a mixture of effects including stop motion animation and overlapping dreamy imagery. For this piece I made a dream catcher and filmed in various locations, the  main one being at the woods next to Yellow Craigs Beach.
I really like this piece because it symbolizes to me a time in my artistic practice where I developed a lot through being very practical and imaginative with my work.

Lost In Transition~

'Lost In Transition' was the last video I worked on as part of the Degree Foundation course. This piece was a mixture of still and moving images, with the background soundtrack of' Utopia' by Goldphrapp. The main quote that inspired me to use this was the line: 

"I forget who I am, when I'm with you."

This music video created a journey within the process of growing up... Again like an internal journey, a place of reflection, where we become absorbed by the nature of time itself...

(All films where made in 2007 at Stevenson College, Edinburgh)

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