Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Today, all of a sudden I have started having these last minute ideas...For a start, I am now considering doing a live performance within the degree show space itself, using a lapel mic to  to do a live performance in the space, connecting my voice directly to the speakers. This would allow my voice to be projected and travel through the pipes. I think this would be a really wonderful piece, as it would allow me to work with the materials n the space how I have done in the other sites of resonance I have visited, and to be amplified through them...
I can picture it being a really magical experience. I went to go see Andy downstairs and he suggested that I use a lapel/ radio mic, allowing me to move around the space with no sign of wires, which is importnat as I want the technology in the piece to be invisible...
I then went to talk it through with Sean, and he also thought it was easily done. I think it means that I will need to make another max patch, but it can simply be linked to the other one we are in the process of making. I have booked the equipment out and will do a sound test later on this week, once I have I have installed the pipes in the space.
Progress is getting there, I managed to get the sound piece working again, after hiccups with pro tools yet again over the weekend. Technology is always such a fickle thing! The pipes are now all in the space and are ready to go...I marked them out yesterday, and am hoping that Anton & Jason will be able to help me this afternoon. This means, that once the pipes are in place, I can begin importing the soil.

I am really excited for this week and seeing the space transform to its final formation. I have waited so long for it to happen, but this is the last big push, and where everything will take shape, and hopefully it will all come together beautifully!

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