'Visualyse', has been an ongoing project since the beginning of December and was formed by both me and Chris , another 2ndyear art student at DOJCAD! We came together after being approached by the Student Union, who were looking for students to create events! We both felt that there was not a night that was aimed for art students, and so came up with the concept and worked togther to create DoJ's first collective art night! This gave the opportunity to all students at DoJ to exhibit their work and to collaborate with other students!
As well as showcasing the talent at the art school, we also felt it was important to bring both elements of musical talent as well as visual! This is where we formed the idea of 'exhibition meets the underground night scene', alllowing both accoustic acts & DJ's to play within an exhibition atmosphere, which would be held in a club environment. It was an exciting idea because it had never been done before and gave us to the chance to try it out!
Other ideas we came up with was to have a film tent at one side of the space, opposite the dance floor and have an area where you could wander into, like a magical world full of comfy seats and a live screening of student films, video works & animations!
Its been an exciting process, from coming up with the concept of the night, to enagaging people with the concept, getting them involved and along the way meeting lots of new friends!
Today we had our final meeting with all the artists :) We all went to look at the space that will be used for the night and began to work out where works will be placed as well as how they will be lit, hung and overall exhibited!
I hope that this turns out to be a succesful night!It has taken alot of time, energy and people to make it happen, but I feel that it is definalty a great opportunity and could be the beggining to a new way of exhibting!
ITS NEXT WEDNESDAY!!! Floor 5, The Union.
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