Friday, November 26, 2010

'Circles'- collaborative project by Chris Jones & Sylvia Law...

"Circles are the core to everything..."

The circle represents: time, space, the never ending, an eternal form, inclusion, unity...
After collaborating soley as organizers, myself & Chris have come together as artists to make a collaborative piece...
We met up last night and began discussing ideas, using the 'circle' as our starting point. He is currently looking at the symbolism of them within his own work, as well as the human subconsious. And I am interested in the notion of internal and external spaces and using art to create a space for people to enter themsleves, and in the process become the focal point of the work. Where life istself, and the human body is the object of reflection within art...
A circle is in itself is an internal space, for me it represents our internal selfs, what lies beneath us.... I relate circles a lot to humanity-to the way we are...

* * *
We have come up with an interactive and reflective performance piece, where we will invite 8 people to join us and immerse themselves in an 'internal' space. The aim of the piece is to reflect, release and then form as one. The circle will be the base of these happenings, and it'll be up to the participants to see what is revealed...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Visualyze- Exhibition Nightclub! :)

Art Ideas....

I've been thinking alot lately of looping movements using the body and working with them as a soundscape...I came across this short video today which introduces this concept, but as a moving image...Maybe this could be a way to experiment with this idea and create an almost sculptural image with the body's pressence. I really like this piece, it is very simplistic yet beautiful...

Sunday, November 7, 2010



It's only one week till this semesters Visualyze! After last years success we have worked very hard to re create the night and make it bigger and better, spreading the event through out the Union and collaborating with a whole new bunch of artists!

With 40 artists, 9 acts, 3 floors of exhibition spaces, live performances, an immersive film tent and live art boards for everyone to get creative on the night, Visualyze blurs the boundaries between exhibition and club night by showcasing student talent in an underground club environment!

If you're in Dundee it would criminal not to go. If you're further afeild- it'll be worth the journey! Get in :)